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Table 5 Larvicidal activity of SO + cinnamon at a rate of three parts SO to one part CIN (3:1) against Culex pipiens larvae

From: Synthesis and efficacy of cinnamon oil formulations and their sustainable release against common house mosquito larvae


Larvicidal/20 Mean ± Std. Error (5 replicates)

Ethyl alcohol 70%

0.8 ± .2a

Delta 1.7

20. 0 ± .0c

(SO-C) 95 + 32 µg/mL

5.80 ± 0.84a

(SO-C) 185 + 62.5 µg/mL

11.4 ± 1.14b

(SO-C) 375 + 125 µg/mL

18.2 ± 1.30c

(SO-C) 750 + 250 µg/mL

20. 0 ± .0c

  1. Superscript of the same letter in cells of the same column indicates a non-significant effect compared to the control. Superscript of different letters in cells of the same column indicates a significant effect compared to the control (P ≤ 0. 05)