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Table 1 Selected use case from the literature with the corresponding outcome

From: Machine learning-driven optimization of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems: a comprehensive review


Use case



Applications fields for AI in PLM

An investigation to the sophisticate applications of AI in the context of PLM


Leverage AI technologies in BIM

A comprehensive review of the current development and future directions regarding the BIM-AI integration in the construction field


Implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in enterprise resource planning (ERP) modules

AI enters the algorithms embedded in the various modules of ERP systems


Implementations of AI in the ERP

AI in ERP is used in a variety of deployment situations, including CRM, SCM, PLM, HR, and financial management


ML and production planning and control (PPC)

It integrates versatility of machine learning (ML) and production planning and control (PPC) to simplify the incorporation of ML algorithms into the DTs of production systems


Intelligent manufacturing

This essay discusses the significance of AI in smart manufacturing, drawing on past studies conducted by the author


Digital twin

The digital twin method "ontology-based modeling," which assembles with data entry minimization, and prerequisites for analysis