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Table 3 Use cases in IIoT field and the used ML algorithms with description of pros and cons

From: Machine learning-driven optimization of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems: a comprehensive review

Use case

IIoT field

ML algorithm

Pros & Cons

Predictive maintenance [48]

Industrial field


Pros: Anticipates equipment failures, reducing downtime and maintenance costs

Cons: Requires substantial historical data, the possibility of false alarms or missed predictions

Quality control [49]


SVM, neural networks, decision trees

Pros: Enhances product quality, reduces defects, ensures real-time monitoring

Cons: Initial training complexity, need for consistent data quality, the potential need for retraining

Supply chain management [50]

Logistics, manufacturing

Reinforcement learning

Pros: Optimizes inventory, reduces costs, enhances delivery efficiency

Cons: Sensitive to data quality, requires fine-tuning for specific industries

Process automation [23]


Deep learning, natural language

Pros: Reduces errors, enhances overall efficiency

Cons: integration challenges,

Predictive analytics [22]


time-series analyses, anomaly detection

Pros: Improves decision-making

Cons: Challenges in data pre-processing