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Table 1 Cell body diameter (μm) of pyramidal cells in the hippocampal CA1, CA2, and CA3 regions and cell body diameter (μm) of granular cells in the DG region in the different treatment groups. Data are expressed as (mean ± SD), (P < 0.05)

From: Assessment of the protective and ameliorative impact of quercetin nanoparticles against neuronal damage induced in the hippocampus by acrolein


Cell body diameter (μm) of pyramidal cells

Cell body diameter (μm) of granular cells




Control group

24.22 ± 0.28

22.25 ± 0.43

24.87 ± 1.02

13.21 ± 0.61

Acrolein-treated group

18.01 ± 0.66

10.12 ± 0.01

20.55 ± 0.27

9.25 ± 0.73

Quercetin nanoparticle- treated group

24.62 ± 0.52

22.75 ± 0.53

24.92 ± 0.97

13.22 ± 0.87

Ameliorative group

21.12 ± 0.23

20.86 ± 0.57

23.61 ± 0.92

12.64 ± 1.04

Protective group

23.22 ± 0.84

21.72 ± 0.92

23.96 ± 0.44

12.91 ± 0.26

Recovery group

20.32 ± 0.45

18.22 ± 0.01

22.21 ± 0.38

10.37 ± 0.02